スタミナアップドリンク『BEET IT』

Exeter University Sports Science research

We supply both our organic beetroot juice and our BEET IT stamina shots to many medical and sports science research projects throughout the world. They are both naturally high in dietary nitrate, which the research teams believe is converted by interaction with enzymes in saliva to Nitric Oxide in the cardio-vascular system.

The leading research projects are at the William Harvey Research Institute, under Professor Amrita Ahluwalia (blood pressure), and Exeter University Sports Science, under Professor Andy Jones (oxygen efficiency and stamina).

Professor Andy Jones, of Exeter University, explains the nature of his team's research in the video "Unlocking the Power of Beetroot" featured above.

YAHOO! 翻訳結果ページでみる(海外サイトの翻訳になります)

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